IN THE NAME OF THE PRINCE OF TALANDEL, and by His order, this manual has been printed to come in aid of any who uses a computing system, to instruct in its good uses, and to warn about it’s traps. Know now all who read, that whomever to use the system will be held accountable in the Courts of Justice of the City of Talandel, and shall abide by the Laws of Commerce and submit to the authority of His Highness The Prince.
The Taleä Computer System is a revolutionary product: it brings the power of managing data in ways and quantities never before seen outside the Academies or institutions to the hands of normal working people. Engineered in Talandel from the hand of the House of Taleä, it is specifically design for guilds and merchants across the Empire, and will bestow a significant buissiness advantage to those who know how to wield it.
Before starting to dive in the intricacies of the machine, the reader shall acquire some basic notions to not struggle with the technicalities. It is advised to be familiar with hexadecimal notation and the handling of binary numbers and arithmetic. Some leaflets on the matter should be freely available in any outpost of the House of Taleä, along with others about machine programming and basic computing glossaries.